Get the date a tweet was created.
Get favorite count of a tweet.
Get the number of followers the user has at the time of tweet.
Get the number of friends (people the person follows) of the user at the time of the tweet.
Get the tweet full_text.
Get tweet id.
Get the screen name of a user that that tweet was in reply to.
Get the tweet id of a tweet that that tweet was in reply to.
Get the id of a user that that tweet was in reply to.
Check is a user's tweets are protected (true or false).
Check if user of tweet is "verified" (true or false).
Get the tweet language code (ISO 639-1).
Get the user's profile description.
Get the profile image url of a user.
Get the user's provided location.
Get the user's provided name.
Get the user's provided timezone.
Get the user's provided url.
Get retweet count of a tweet.
Get source (application used) of a tweet.
Get the tweet text.
Get the username of the user who wrote the tweet.
Extract Twitter API data in json format.